Ensights Magazine

Keith Crowe retirement

Retiring Faculty Tribute: Keith Crowe

Brooks Corzine
Consummate team player. Utility fielder. Jack of all trades. Multi-tasker extraordinaire. Master teacher.  Champion for all students. Lover of all things Ensworth. Ernie to my Bert.  And Renaissance man. While all these descriptors or monikers are apt or fitting, none truly captures the full essence of Keith Crowe.
Keith has selflessly served Ensworth in a variety of roles for more than twenty years: as a math teacher, as Network Administrator, as a science teacher, as the creator of the Florida Keys Adventure, as Science Department Chair, as Out West Trip sustainer, as the Belize Trip founder, as the leader of multiple Washington Trips, as the STEM Program developer, as the robotics tournament director, and as Math Department Chair.  During his career at Ensworth, he has worn multiple hats, and they have all fit him well. 
And while this catalog of Keith’s various contributions highlights the broadly talented, creative, and dynamic educator he strives to be, this list also reveals the core values, the totally personal code of beliefs that make him the singularly unique school person that he is. 
First off, Keith is selfless and modest and humble….. almost to a fault.  It is never about him. Instead, it is always about what is best for the school, what is best for the kids. He works tirelessly behind the scenes, leaving no detail untended to. Anyone who has ever thumbed through one of his Out West trip spiral bound notebooks, complete with van groupings, tent groupings, daily itineraries, driving directions, grocery lists for Wal Mart, hiking groups, and gourmet plans for dinners has some idea of his attention to detail. He has such high standards, he is such a perfectionist, and he is so intent on making sure that everything goes well. 
Secondly, Keith is steadfast in his devotion to and love of each and every one of his students. Though I can vouch that he has no favorite student, each of Keith’s students thinks that she or he is Keith’s favorite student. He loves them all unconditionally.  Whether he is offering character guidance to the perceived “bad” boy, helping a weaker or less confident student with her work in another teacher’s class before school, lending a hapless eighth grade boy his jacket and tie for school pictures, or loaning an anxious student who cannot find his wallet some money on a school trip, Keith is always there for his kids. Without any fanfare, without any public acclaim, Keith has always proven himself to be a trusted, beloved, and caring adult in the eyes of his students. 
Finally, Keith’s love of and loyalty to the school and all things Ensworth know no bounds. Who else would spend the better part of two weeks this past summer decorating his classroom with two lovingly crafted, amazingly Ensworthy electrical tape murals adorning adjacent walls: one portraying the students in his and Sarah Biddy’s homeroom engaged in a heated battleball game, Oranges vs. Blacks of course; the other a huge panoramic view of Red Gables covering almost the entire front wall of his classroom.
Keith, thank you for all you have done for and given to Ensworth. You will be dearly missed by all.

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