Myra McLarey Discusses New Novel

Long-time Ensworth high school English teacher, Myra McLarey, has released a new novel: Becoming Robbie Lee.
Myra hosted a special virtual event via Zoom to converse with Ensworth’s own David Whitfield on Tuesday, September 22. 

Myra will be discussing her book and its themes as they relate to the movements for social and racial justice in today's culture with award-winning author and educator Jeannie Whayne in an event hosted at The University of Arkansas, which will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, October 28 at 6:30 PM. Click here to access the Facebook event, and click here to join the Zoom discussion.

The publisher writes about Becoming Robbie Lee:

What do you do when the right thing to do is considered the wrong thing by everyone in your safe and secure world? In the summer of 1952, the summer before she turns eleven, Robbie Lee McElroy is faced with this question. Raised in a tiny village in southwest Arkansas, Robbie Lee has a best friend, a brother and sister she loves, and most important, a momma and daddy who make her feel loved and protected. But when she has to take part in caring for her cantankerous dying grandmother, who breaks all of the rules of the community—from being “too familiar” with colored people to being an infidel (or worse, maybe even a Catholic)—Robbie Lee begins a journey of discovery. She begins to see that she is a privileged part of a caste system, a system she has never named —but has always understood as the way things are. And should be. Robbie Lee’s realization of this double world, the ideal world she lives in and the falseness that lies therein, comes to her largely by observing the courage of those she has been raised to see as not courageous. Seeing such courage in action changes her understanding of what (and who) truly matters.

Paperback copies are available for $14.99, and for every paperback sold, $1 will be donated to the Equal Justice Initiative.

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