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High school teacher and student talking in the quad

Welcome, Ensworth families!

Roochita Mathur's family

For more than 60 years, Ensworth parents have nurtured our beloved school through our mission to Build our Community, Support our School and Educate our Parents. From welcoming our new parents, to hosting parent gatherings for all 13 grades, to organizing community events such as Tiger Night and Super Saturday - we aim to serve a diverse and dynamic parent body.

Although all current parents are automatically members of the Parent Association, we hope you will take the next step and get involved on campus. We have volunteer opportunities for everyone regardless of your interests and time commitment levels. Please reach out to anyone on the PA leadership team to find your perfect fit and become a part of this wonderful school that your children already consider their second home!

In partnership,

Roochita Mathur
2024-2025 Parent Association President


Parent Association Mission 

Build Our Community

Educate Our Parents

Support Our School

Parent Association Events & Activities


Parent Gatherings

The Parent Association hosts casual, grade-level parent gatherings each fall to enrich the parent experience and provide families with a chance to connect socially. Current families will receive details through email and E-News.

Tiger Night Smiles

Tiger Night

Tiger Night, the largest social gathering of the year for Ensworth parents, raises funds for the Parent Association and the school.

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Tiger Town

Tiger Town

Tiger Town, hosted by the Parent Association, is a vibrant all-community gathering in support of various athletic events throughout the year. We invite all of our families K-12 to join us for fun, food, and community spirit before cheering on our Tiger athletes!

Super Saturday

Super Saturday

Super Saturday is a fun, family carnival day on Frist Campus that includes a Tiger Trot, cake walk, dunking booth, inflatables, food and more. 

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Parent Ed

Parent Education 

Throughout the year, the Parent Association hosts a variety of speakers and panel discussions to provide valuable insights and support for families. Additionally, they curate and recommend supplemental books and resources for parents as they navigate raising their children.

Swap & Sale

Uniform Swap & Sales

Parents organize Uniform Swap & Sales events to give families the opportunity to trade in outgrown uniforms and purchase new ones at a discounted rate. These events promote sustainability and help ensure that all students have access to school attire.

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Tiger Bazaar

Tiger Bazaar

Tiger Bazaar is a community-wide, shopping-based fundraising event. With a wide variety of options, this shopping event showcases select, high-quality brands. 

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Shop & Earn Program

The Parent Association has established several partnerships to generate funds for Ensworth and the PA. Discover how your everyday purchases can support Ensworth.

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The Ensworth experience is enhanced when our parents share their time and talents with our community. Whether attending events or taking on one of our 148 leadership roles, there are countless ways to be involved.

The Parent Association is guided and directed by its 31 member Board which includes representatives from the Lower, Middle, and High Schools.


Parent Association Board

Roochita Mathur

Stephanie Gounder

Immediate Past President
Katie Porterfield

Lynne Falk

Perrin Stearns

Mark Brueggen

Parent Ed Chair
Liana Young

Parent Ed Chair-Elect
Rachel Freeman

Communications Chair
Stacey Advani

Communications Chair-Elect
Aubrie Hutzel

Spirit Chair
LeAnne Bottorff

Spirit Chair-Elect
Rebecca Rutledge

Lower School Rep
Ali Simpson

Lower School Rep-Elect
Graham Meadors

Middle School Rep
Ansley Hampton

Middle School Rep-Elect
Jennifer McGugin

High School Rep
Hayes Bryant

High School Rep-Elect
Stacey Vallejo

Arts Chair
Betsy Bosch

Arts Chair-Elect
Stacey Jacobs

New Parent Welcome Chair for Lower/Middle School
Lauren Carlson

New Parent Welcome Chair-Elect for Lower/Middle School
Libby Tyner

New Parent Welcome Chair for High School
Towles Kintz

New Parent Welcome Chair-Elect for High School
Cindy Cowhey

Event Coordinator
Leah Harwell

Tiger Club Chair
Jessica Amden

Tiger Club Chair-Elect
Jackie Luckey

Volunteer Coordinator
Sujata Watts

Auction Liaison
Lindsay Wells

Tiger Night Chairs
Jenn Bland
Laura Carney
Tiffany Ervin
Bridget Levy

At-Large Reps
Beth Davis
Bill Dunbar
Karly Hart
Georgette Eftekhari
BJ Heath

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Parent Statement of Shared Values

As parents in the Ensworth community, we are dedicated to the highest principles with the greatest love, as characterized by moral integrity, intellectual vitality, discipline, compassion, humor and joy, as stated in our Vision Statement, and we affirm the following:

Parent Association
